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International hybrid forum tagged with: Digital security in Algeria between citizen awareness and user fragility

Organized by a research group on digital citizenship and the safe and ethical use of technological media in Algeria For the laboratory of social, psychological, and anthropological studies Relizane University in cooperation with College of Social Sciences and Humanities In partnership and coordination with National Directorate of Security For the state of Relizane International conference We came together every day 10/09 water 2023 Tagged with: Digital_security_in_Algeria_between_citizen_awareness_and_user_fragilityThis was in the presence of the university director Mr. Dr Bahri_AhmedGentlemen, Deputy Directors, Deans of Colleges, Student Clubs, and Representatives of Civil Society Institutions.
Representatives of the General Command of National Security and representatives of the Security Directorate of the state of Relizane also participated in the field of cooperation and coordination, in the presence of Scientific_dictionaries From inside and outside.
The conference's activities, in both its physical and visual aspects, witnessed high-level scientific interaction by specialists and field personnel around the major axes, with the participation of doctoral students, social partners, student clubs, and civil society organizations, with a focused supervision by professors and researchers from inside and outside the university..
The conference work continued With lecture_technique Remotely on its second day, starting at nine in the morning at an average rate 9 Sessions that addressed the various themes of the conference included discussions and exchange of opinions and knowledge between professors, researchers, and practitioners..
The second day's sessions ended with reading the recommendations and concluding the conference activities, with the hope of meeting in subsequent scientific demonstrations.
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